Jesus God forever..

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Thomas said unto him, My Lord and My God (John 20:28).
For this purpose was the Son of God manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)

“It is finished” means, my work as a son has ended! Everyman has to end the season as a son to build a family that will conquer into eternity. The danger of worshipping the man after the flesh has made a weak church, pitiful. Why should it be that this man of all men is still a son? All sons grow up. Two thousand years later the God who took on flesh is the God who conquered death, hell and the grave. I want every religion to know that, our God is not a baby, a son, or just a prophet anymore, our Jesus is God, the creator who has become our saviour (Is 43:11) His work as a son was temporal, his nature as God is eternal. God is always God, God cannot cease being God. God is God in flesh and God in Spirit God is God wherever he is. He’s an all time God, that he is!

Its interesting to note that only after the resurrection was Jesus known in the new Testament as the “Lord God”… Thomas saw him and said, “My Lord and my God.” Paul heard and asked who are you Lord… “I am Jesus.” (Acts 9:5) It’s embarrassing to see folks calling him son. I don’t like it when young men call me “son,” do you? It’s disrespectful, insulting too. Let’s worship The Lord God for who he is, only then can we live as kings, walk in dominion, master every devil and rule in unknown world’s. Jesus is my God, how about you?

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