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GOD IS A GOOD GOD.. if a man believes that God is angry with him or mad at him or has brought sickness on him to punish him then that man can’t have faith whatsoever to believe that he will ever get well. He will feel that God is-punishing him for any wrongdoing. Now this is a the view of those of the faith who live this side of calvary, for when we understand Calvary and God’s REDEMPTION we discover we are REDEEMED from the curse of the law for Christ was made a curse on our behalf. (Gal 3;13) Healing is therefore ours, we see this in the life of Jesus and the ministry of the apostles. Jesus went about doing good and healing ALL that were oppressed of the devil and he gave the commandment to heal the sick and cast out devils in his name (Matt 10;8).
Since it is our redemption, we can claim what is ours as sons or God. Healing is mine. DECLARE TODAY: God is a GOOD GOD. I’m healed not cursed. redeemed not condemned..